CGPA to percentage calculator

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage? - CGPA Calculator

Use our CGPA to Percentage Converter for an accurate and quick calculation. Enter your CGPA, select the scale, and get your percentage instantly.

CGPA to Percentage Converter


What is CGPA?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is the overall average of grade points earned in all semesters. It is widely used in India and abroad for evaluating students’ academic performance.

Different grading scales for CGPA include:

  • 10.0 Scale (Common in India)
  • 5.0 Scale (Used in some global institutions)
  • 4.0 Scale (Used in international universities)
  • 7.0 Scale (Used in select global institutions)

CGPA simplifies academic performance evaluation and is often converted into percentages for better understanding.

What is Percentage?

Percentage represents marks obtained out of 100 and is a widely used grading system in India. Many universities, employers, and competitive exams require percentage-based scores rather than CGPA.

CGPA to Percentage Conversion Formula

The formula for converting CGPA to Percentage depends on the grading system used.

1. For 10-Point CGPA Scale (Common in India)

Percentage = CGPA × 9.5

Example: If your CGPA is 8.2, then: Percentage = 8.2 × 9.5 = 77.9%

2. For 5-Point CGPA Scale

Percentage = (CGPA / 5.0) × 100

Example: If your CGPA is 4.0, then: Percentage = (4.0 / 5.0) × 100 = 80%

3. For 4-Point CGPA Scale (Used in the USA)

Percentage = (CGPA / 4.0) × 100

Example: If your CGPA is 3.6, then: Percentage = (3.6 / 4.0) × 100 = 90%

4. 4. For 7-Point CGPA Scale

Percentage = (CGPA / 7.0) × 100

Example: If your CGPA is 5.5, then: Percentage = (5.5 / 7.0) × 100 = 78.6%

CGPA to Percentage Conversion Table

Here’s a reference table for converting CGPA to percentage across different grading scales:

CGPA (10 Scale)Percentage (%)CGPA (7 Scale)Percentage (%)CGPA (5 Scale)Percentage (%)CGPA (4 Scale)Percentage (%)

Why is CGPA to Percentage Conversion Important?

  • University Admissions – Required for applications to universities that use percentage-based grading.
  • Job Applications – Many recruiters require percentage scores instead of CGPA.
  • Scholarships – Eligibility criteria often specify minimum percentage marks.
  • Competitive Exams – Government and private sector exams require percentage-based qualifications.

Quick Insight: MCM Academy

MCM Academy is a leading education consultancy helping students secure admissions in UGC-approved universities in India. Whether you’re applying for undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctoral programs, MCM Academy provides expert guidance on the admission process. If your target university requires percentage-based grades, converting your CGPA to Percentage is essential, and MCM Academy can assist you in understanding academic requirements based on your scores.

How Different Countries Convert CGPA to Percentage

Each country follows a unique CGPA conversion method:

  • India – CGPA × 9.5 (for a 10-scale CGPA)
  • USA – (CGPA/4) × 100
  • UK – Uses classifications (First Class, Upper Second, etc.)
  • Canada – Uses a 4.33 CGPA scale with varying conversions
  • Australia – Uses a 7-point CGPA scale

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What CGPA is equivalent to 60%?

For a 10-point CGPA system, 6.3 CGPA is approximately 60%. In a 5-point system, 3.0 CGPA is around 60%. In a 4.0 system, 2.4 CGPA is around 60%. In a 7.0 system, 4.2 CGPA is about 60%.

Use the formula Percentage = CGPA × 9.5 (for a 10-point scale).

No, universities may have their own conversion formulas. Always refer to official guidelines.

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